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Hi my name is

Noman Dhoni

A Software Developer

I am a Front-End JavaScript Developer with a passion for delivering exceptional results, I am going in the path of Full Stack development.

With my expertise in React and NextJS on the frontend, NodeJS, and Express on the backend, I bring a unique combination of technical skills and creative problem-solving to every project I work on.

Contact me!

Who am I?

Noman Dhoni profile picture

With almost 2 years of comprehensive experience in web application development, I have honed my skills in both frontend and backend development. In addition to my hands-on experience in web development, my education has also played a critical role in providing a strong foundation for my career.

Here is my educational background.

B.B.A (Hons.) - Accounting

National University of Bangladesh | 2022-2025
  • I do many Other things than Study
  • Build Daily Study management and ScoreBoard
  • Spreading programming in the community

Featured Projects

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code”? I got you.
Here are some of my projects you shouldn't misss
Chroma Course

Chroma Course

A course Selling website made with React JS. Here you can sell your courses in Programming, Design and Crafts.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Context API
  • SweetAlert
Showwand - Website

Showwand - Website

A website that I made for my Browser Extension 'Showwand' and in this website you will get automated download link based on your browser and This website will help you to know how this works.

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • ContextAPI
Showwand - Browser Extension

Showwand - Browser Extension

A Browser extension for 'Showwcase', By this Browser extension you can post, do interaction, get updated about the Showwcase platform.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
Form App

Form App

A minimal, Form app that is Based on Basic Crud operations. Where you can submit what field are you in, also you can delete info.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • Node JS
  • BootStrap
Other projects can be explored in my github profile


I write blog posts about what I've done and what I'm doing as a documenting practice. Here are some of my recent blog posts.


Let's be awesome together!

As a dev, I am driven by my love for coding and my desire for new challenges. If you have opportunities for collaboration or want to build something amazing, don't hesitate to contact me!

Get in touch!